Thursday, 3 January 2013


It seems that anything and everything can be a distraction from English Literature essays. Even ones about The Importance Of Being Earnest (I love Oscar Wilde. If ever there was a guy who would make an amazing gay best friend... He's just so freaking awesome!!). I tell myself I won't go on my email, I'll finish this essay, but then I seem to forget that I won't just get distracted by emails, I'll get distracted by music videos and awesome video bloggers on YouTube, my own blog (which has been sitting in the back of my mind since the first post going, "Hello! Don't forget about me!"), and of course any of my surroundings (or a new document on Microsoft Word) coupled with my imagination and amazing ability to stare into space daydreaming about absolutely nothing... But back to the blog. I... I forgot what I was going to say... that's bad... and annoyingly normal... I hate my memory. I hate essays. Trying to think of something else I hate now, 'cause I can't just leave that hanging, it's begging to be turned into a list of three... Oh, and personality tests you were sent to by previously mentioned awesome video bloggers are also good distractions. There was this colour one which worked particularly well.

Anyway. Ahem. Distractions.

So I figured since I was distracted enough by thinking of what I might possibly write on my blog, since it'd be a bit stupid to just publish one post and leave it at that forever and ever and ever, or just, you know, for another week or so, cause a few people have looked at that first post (probably by accident :P), and they're not gonna come back if I don't post anything else (mind, I wouldn't blame them for not coming back, it's probably better for their sanity lol). Anyway I figured I may as well use up my distracted-from-essay-writing-time in a better way than just watching YouTube videos and get out the blog post that's been writing itself in my head for ages.

Right. So, I would like to use this blog to post bits of my writing so that I have a reason to write things and will therefore improve by practising (and actually getting things done, 'cause most of what I write gets started and never finished and then lost somewhere deep in a notebook or my computer hard drive) and maybe I'll get some constructive criticism (pretty please? :P) and I'll an audience and therefore an incentive to write. I used to write things for a few writing websites but I've become paranoid about plagarism despite how unlikely it is so I've taken some of my writing that I'll want to edit and use for a later date off and just left the old stuff I wrote when I was about 13 that nobody'd want to nick anyway.

I need to think of other things to say to start a new topic other than "So" or "Anyway".

Or "Right."

What I thought I'd do is, after the New Year, I'd post a new short story every Wednesday (because I may possibly have time to do so on Wednesday) and then a chapter or something of a longer project each month, I don't know what yet, until the whole thing is written and online. Except, of course, that it's already the New Year and we've already had the first Wednesday when I was hoping to post something, and... I... haven't... :/ Oh, and this weekly short story thing excludes times when I'm busy, namely when I have study leave (yes, I have time off, but it's to revise, not to write/blog!) and exams etc etc etc, 'cause it'd just be too much of a distraction (haha, would you look at that, we've come full circle! I didn't plan for that to happen, either!) and I just think 52 short stories is a little bit daunting (though it's already down to 51 now)... Though I might be able to manage it. I have far too many ideas cluttering my head. They're not even all good. In fact, most of them are absolute rubbish.

I guess it's back to my essay now. I'm already over my word limit (and confused) and not even finished yet... :/

Happy New Year everybody! Good luck with keeping your resolutions! (I think I've broken mine already: "I will not get distracted from schoolwork"... damn it...) I apologise for writing too much (yeah... I do that... it makes up for not talking much... well, I've got to voice my thoughts somehow... I reckon this beats talking to myself... yeah, you're agreeing with me that your sanity would be better off if you left, aren't you? :P ...And I'm doing it again - writing too much pointless stuff... shut UP, Beth!) and I congratulate you on reading this much. :)

Au revoir! (THAT'S the third thing that I hate!! Learning French!!! :D )

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