Thursday, 14 February 2013

Sleep is my Valentine

I may have a slight hate of Valentine's Day. It's so commercialised. And I don't really see the point. And all the people who are single and don't want to be single have it rubbed in their faces that so many people are happy and in love yet they're still single. Everything everywhere in the run-up to the 14th is all like, "VALENTINE'S DAY!!" and loads of people get all excited over it and then you get to the 14th and then it's like... oh. That's it. That's the day you've been looking forward to/dreading. Gone. And nothing happened. A normal day. Now tell me, WHAT WAS/IS ALL THE FUSS ABOUT????

 I personally would like to ignore it, but unfortunately, it's a little bit hard to ignore.

Also, when I got to school this morning, my friend said to me, "That's a nice jumper, what's it got on it?" and I was like, "A heart." And then I was like, oh shit it's a freaking heart, and it's freaking Valentine's Day. Great planning there, Beth. And I've been slightly annoyed about it all day.  I was a little bit paranoid everyone would notice and be like "Oh that's nice, you're celebrating Valentine's Day by wearing a jumper with a heart on it!" and I would've had to have screamed in their faces, "I'M NOT CELEBRATING VALENTINE'S DAY!" Luckily, I had on a scarf that went in front of the heart, so only the people who I complained about my bad planning to actually noticed. Also, it's a lovely warm jumper, so I wasn't cold aaaaall day. :)

So, Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Beekeeping Day (my friend tells me that Saint Valentine is also, apparently, the patron saint of beekeeping), Happy Pan-Universal Be Who You Are Day and Happy Fourteenth of February! :)

Purely for your own entertainment, here are my [top 10] fictional character Valentines:
1. Brigan from Kristin Cashore's Fire
2. Jacob Reckless from Cornelia Funke's Mirrorworld series (Reckless and Fearless)
3. Sherlock from the BBC series Sherlock 
4. Po from Kristin Cashore's Graceling
5. Sean Kendrick from Maggie Stiefvater's The Scorpio Races
6. Sam Roth from Maggie Stiefvater's Mercy Falls Wolves series
7. Four from Veronica Roth's Divergent and Insurgent
8. Mr Rochester from Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
9. Chaol Westfall from Sarah J Maas' Throne of Glass
10. Magnus Bane from Cassandra Clare's The Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments series'

I'm not happy that I couldn't fit the following - who are in no order whatsoever other than the order in which I thought of them - onto my list:
  • Jem and Will from Cassie Clare's The Infernal Devices
  • Jace from The Mortal Instruments,
  • Giddon and Raffin (and, by extension of Raffin, Bann, because they're so cute together!) from Kristin Cashore's Graceling and Bitterblue
  • Marco from Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus
  • Dashiell from Dash and Lily's Book of Dares
  • Saf from Ms Cashore's Bitterblue (even though I don't like how snide and rude he is to Bitterblue sometimes, and how he does stupid things from time to time)
  • John Watson from BBC Sherlock
  • Gale from Susanne Collins' The Hunger Games
  • Sirius Black, James Potter and Remus Lupin from J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series (or at least, the versions of them found in fan fictions... particularly one called Giving Up and Changing Mind based on James and Lily - yes, it may be long, but the story is awesome and I love it)
And many others besides. :)

A side-note: I highly recommend every book (and TV series and fan fiction story) that I have mentioned in this post, especially the authors I have labelled. Warning: reading any of these books (or fanfictions) or watching any of these series' may cause you to find your fictional Valentine. And if you read The Mortal Instruments, you will quite literally find a fictional Valentine. (Thank God he's fictional!)

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