Sunday, 5 January 2014

Happy New Year!

I think my New Year's Resolution this year will have to be to stop procrastinating. I'm very good at procrastinating. When I'm not blogging, I'm on Facebook, or YouTube, or Tumblr, or I'm writing, or drawing fanart or listening to music or playing Sims (that game is far too oddly addictive) or even just daydreaming - and all instead of doing schoolwork.

It doesn't help that I've become busier than normal lately: I think I can say that 2013 is the year where I grew up the most. I got a part-time job, I started driving lessons, I got a boyfriend (and therefore a social life, which has thrown me a bit; I'm not used to spending time with people outside of school on a regular basis), and I sent off my university applications and even received an offer. I simply do not have time for procrastination anymore and I really, really need to stop. Not only does it hamper my ability to do schoolwork, but it gives me less free time too - sometimes I do not allow myself to, say, write, because I know I should be working, but does that necessarily mean that I am writing? No, and neither does it necessarily mean I'm doing any of the other things listed above, because I'm staring into space and occasionally remembering that I should be working. This is even more of a waste of time (in German, a Zeitverschwendung. It does so vex me that I'm forced to use three words to describe what the Germans can describe in one).

I'm sure you won't be surprised to find out that I'm actually procrastinating right now while I'm writing this; the style model for my English media piece for my coursework is sitting next to my laptop, watching me, patiently waiting to be annotated. Earlier I did watch a video to help with stopping procrastinating, and it sort of helped. It made me feel motivated... and then I went back to checking Facebook...

As for another resolution, I'd quite like to finish a novel this year; it's not something I do very often. But I really think it would be wise to stop procrastinating first. That might just be slightly helpful. Yeah. Just slightly.

So anyway - here's to 2014! Have a very happy New Year, and try not to break those resolutions too quickly! :)

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