Sunday 18 August 2013

Song Recommendation: Victim Of Ritual by Tarja

I know, I didn't post a reading recommendation last week, and I'm not posting one this week either, but that's not because I haven't got one. For anyone who read any of my earlier blog posts, it's clear there's an obvious favourite of mine which I've missed; I haven't forgotten it (or should I say, them; it's a trilogy and I might well give each book an individual post), I just thought it would be best to leave it a bit since I know I went on about it rather a lot. Either way, I wanted to share a song I've been listening to today, I may be becoming slightly addicted to it. It's called Victim Of Ritual by the amazing Finnish singer Tarja Turunen, from her upcoming album Colours In The Dark, and it takes "I'd like to sing along but I can't sing" to a whole new level. As in, "I'm not even going to try, because my voice will not physically be able to do that." (And I wish I could roll my "r"s like that)

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