Wednesday 11 September 2013

Blog Neglect: A Notice To Those Few Who May Be Interested

I'm aware I've neglected my blog over the past couple of weeks. I have a few more book recommendations I want to post but mostly what I want to do with this blog is to post short stories on it, like I originally intended to. One day I hope to read a few things aloud to post as a video, but that may never happen; it all depends on whether I have the time, and the energy, and the resources (I do own a camera, but the charger went walkabout. As in, I think it may have hiked to the other end of the country or something), and whether or not I remember the idea when I do have all of those things.

Either way, my blog has to fight for priority, and unfortunately the more important stuff like school work will inevitably in out; therefore it doesn't bother me so much when a "deadline" for posting something passes. In conclusion, I won't be setting dates for posting anything anymore, you'll just have to wonder and wait, and my next blog post will hit you when you least expect it.

In the meantime, I'm tired (it's only 7PM) and have things to be doing, and when I've done those things, then I have addictive computer games to play and funny cat videos to watch. Auf wiedersehen!

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