Monday 21 October 2013

New Account, New Start :)

It's not really that much of a new start. It just sounded good.

So, this isn't exactly the solution I had in mind for changing the accounts on my blog, it's slightly more stressful in that I shall now have to reapply all the settings that, in my eyes, make my blog MY blog. But it's a solution. I definitely didn't just waste an entire evening doing this.

I'm not deleting my old blog (for now, I need it as a reference to get this one looking exactly the same), and you can find a link to it in the sidebar thingy on the left. I don't see why you'd want to go look at it, I have all the posts from it right here (I know! Magic!), but still.

I have changed the name of my blog again, mostly because of course there cannot be two blogs existing at the same time with the same name. So I took a step back in time to rename it the original name, "The Authoress And The Voices". Except without the "And The Voices" bit. Because I didn't like it.

Well, that's that, I suppose. Eventually I aim for this blog to look exactly like the other one, but right now I have things to do and quite frankly I've had enough of sorting out blogs today. I'll be posting the same sort of stuff as I was before: book reviews, short stories, rants, etc... So there we go. Please enjoy my blog! :) Goodnight, readers... goodnight...

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