Friday 6 December 2013

Essential Songs For Existence

There are some songs you expect everyone to know. Maybe they're old classics, maybe they're popular songs, maybe they're songs you grew up with. Either way, when you start singing them, you would think that everybody would join in - and if they don't, you are fully licensed to give them that "what planet have you been living on to not know this song?" look.

So I thought I'd share with you the songs that, to me, are these sort of songs: the Essential Songs For Existence.

I will post a new song every Saturday because why not (I post on the writing blog I share with my friend, Surprise Duck!, on Fridays, and I plan to start uploading new readings of short stories etc on my YouTube channel every Wednesday), and I'll explain my choice, and I'll also make a YouTube playlist on my channel so that, if you haven't heard these songs that are essential for your existence, you can listen to them all in one place. :)

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